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How to cancel a flight with JetBlue Airlines?

Sometimes circumstances get arise and passengers won’t be able to take their scheduled flight. If you are in somewhere similar then you should have to take the help of the well detailed article which is described here. So that you will get to better understand 'How to cancel a flight with JetBlue Airlines?' for further details proceed further.

Because of JetBlue airline is very flexible for its passengers. So they serve easy to cancel flight procedures online. But if you are in a scenario where you are not aware of the procedure then you are required to look over the steps which are instructed below.

The process to cancel a scheduled flight with JetBlue Airlines:

  • First and foremost, you should have to get access to the official website of JetBlue Airlines.
  • Then you are required to choose the tab 'My trip' from the top of the homepage.
  • Where you need to complete the details which are the reservation number and the last name.
  • Once it will be done, the flight booking information will be open on your screen.
  • From there you should have to choose the option of 'manage my trip' and select the option of cancel.
  • When you will cancel it, the automatic refund process will start, if you are eligible.
  • At last, you will receive a confirmation email of your scheduled flight cancellation.

This way you will be able to cancel your flight very easily. But it would better if you will understand the policy before proceeding with the procedure.

The flight cancellation policy of JetBlue Airlines:

  • Travelers who purchased a flight directly from the airline at a refundable or non restricted fare may cancel it online and receive a refund.
  • Customers who purchased an airline ticket that began in and flew out of the United States within 24 hours will not be charged a cancellation fee if the flight reservation is made one week or more before the scheduled flight departure.
  • Cost of cancellation within 24 hours, Whether purchased more than 24 hours ago or less, altered reservations are not eligible for a refund and may be subject to a per person cancellation fee based on the fare.

In the 24 hour cancellation, the JetBlue flight refund would be returned to the original source of payment in 7-10 business days.

Does JetBlue charge for canceling a flight?

For any cancellation requests made by travelers via the canceled flight phone number, Airline levies a non refundable cost of USD 25. By requesting cancellation of a flight online, passengers can avoid paying this 25 USD non refundable cost per person.

Can I cancel a JetBlue flight immediately?

Yes, you can cancel your reservation immediately but may cancel your flights up to two hours before the scheduled departure for domestic flights and three hours before the scheduled departure for international flights, according to the airline's

cancellation policy.

It is possible for customers to cancel their flight reservations by calling JetBlue Airlines Phone number. Where you will be able to communicate with the experts, who will cancel your flight very shortly. If you need to change your flight plans less than three hours before departure, you must comply with the cancellation policy and may be charged.

What is JetBlue Airlines Refund Policy?

After the cancellation of the scheduled flight, the first thought which comes to the mind of the passengers is about the refund. So with this airline, you will be able to get a full refund. But for that, your flight ticket should be refundable. And for non-refundable tickets, there won’t be any refund. If you are willing to know more about the policy then you must have to take a look over the steps which is mentioned below so that you won’t face any of the uncertain fee deductions.

The JetBlue refund policy.

The flight which is scheduled by the official website or the customer service is only applicable for the cancellation.

  • Here is the ticket which is scheduled by a third party and the other travel agency won’t be eligible for the cancellation. For that, you must have to coordinate with them.
  • The ticket which is canceled within 24 hours of the scheduled flight reservation is totally refundable.
  • But if you will cancel the reservation after the scheduled flight departure then you will obtain the travel points.
  • As per the JetBlue refund policy, the cancellation fee of the ticket depends on the route, flight class, and destination.

So after getting the information related to the policy, you can easily cancel your flight through the official website, where you should have get assistance from the “manage my booking” section. Here you need to complete some of the details and then you can complete the whole process very shortly.

How do I Get The JetBlue Airways Refund Fee?

After the cancellation of the scheduled booking, the automatic refund process will initiate. Where you will be able to get the full refund before the scheduled flight departure. Also, you should be aware that the refundable fare does not apply to all flights.

If the refundable ticket is not get canceled by the time of the scheduled flight departure. Then the JetBlue Airways refund Fee will automatically be changed to travel points which will be valid for up to 12 months till the date of ticket is issued.